pdoPagination and SimpleSearch

Is it possible to use pdoPage (part of pdoTools Extra) for SimpleSearch pagination?

Out of the box this is not possible, but I think that with some changes you can make it work.
The following may or may not work:

You have to make some changes to the snippet SimpleSearch. Therefore duplicate the snippet SimpleSearch and call it CustomSimpleSearch.
Then replace the line 66

$response = $search->getSearchResults($searchString, $scriptProperties);

with this code:

$custom_scriptProperties = $scriptProperties;
$custom_scriptProperties['perPage'] = $modx->getOption('limit',$scriptProperties,10);
$custom_scriptProperties['start'] = $modx->getOption('offset',$scriptProperties,0);
$idx = $custom_scriptProperties['start'] + 1;
$response = $search->getSearchResults($searchString, $custom_scriptProperties);

When you now use pdoPage with this new snippet, the paging should work.


&perPage=`0` disables the internal pagination
&placeholderPrefix=`page.` makes sure that pdoPage can read the total number of results