Pdomenu member pages

I rebuild my site and now it is using pdotools. In the old site with Wayfinder the member login pages showed up after login. Now they are visible for everybody. The link redirects to the home page when not logged in, and to the member pages when a member is logged in. I tried &checkPermissions=list,load,view in the pdomenu snippet properties. The member page disappeared in the not logged in situation, but does not appear when logged in. How can i fix this?

I’m not sure how to manage this with pdoMenu itself, but you could use the Personalize Extra to display one chunk with your menu call for logged in users and another one for regular ones.

I am using Personalize and this is showing logged in not logged in status with and possibility to change password and profile. Maybe I have to add something else in Personalize.

This my yesChunk:

<p align="right"><span id="logged_in_status">Welkom [[+name]] je bent nu ingelogd! (<a href="[[~21? &service=`logout`]]">Log uit</a>)</span></p>
<p align="right"><a href="[[~28]]">Bekijk</a> en <a href="[[~30]]">wijzig</a> indien nodig je gegevens.</p>

If it’s not working like intended, there’s probably something wrong with your personalize call. Can you show a bit more of your code maybe?

Also just in case you’re not doing this already, make sure to test everything in a different browser or private window, so your current login doesn’t interfere.

This is my Personalize call:

[[!Personalize? &yesChunk=`header_for_members` &noChunk=`header_for_guests` &ph=`name` &landing=`12`]]

I test it in an other browser, the call is in the header. Login is working flawless. Personalize is 3.7.2 in the snippet properties I am missing allowedGroups and context. The site link is: https://ceciliahandel.nl The dropdown menu next to the homepage “Ledenpagina, Agenda and Huishoudelijk reglement” pages are all three marked as only for members MODX. It would like they only are visible when a member is logged in.

If you just put your header_for_guests chunk in your header without the personalize call, is it then showing the navigation like intended (for not logged in users)? If not, I’m guessing the issue is in your pdoMenu call.

If I understand correctly, you have two pdoMenu calls, one in the yesChunk with everything shown and one in the noChunk where you exclude the member pages:


Is this the case?

Also just a note, but I don’t think &landing is a valid Personalize property, atleast I can’t find it in the docs, or did you rewrite the snippet in any way?

Putting the noChunk in the header make no difference.

I don’t have two pdoMenu calls.

&landing=12 just put it on the right side of the page.

That’s what you need to change then. You need to have one pdoMenu call in the &noChunk tpl where only the sites are shown for people who are not logged in and then a different pdoMenu call in the &yesChunk tpl where all the sites are shown. Then you use Personalize to make sure logged in users see the yesChunk and not logged in users see the noChunk.

Solved it quit simple as usual when you know the answer.
Just put in &checkPermissions=load,list,view in the pdoMenu call did the trick. Tried it before but then probably made a mistake. After that the home page has to be called uncached otherwise it renders in the not logged in menu. Vibedesign thank you for your answers it helped me solving the issue.

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