MODX3 compatibility of popular extras - Bug Hunt edition

Google Sitemap Generator

Tested version: 1.0.2-pl

On MODX 3 version: git install from 07-03-2021


Console running...
Attempting to install package with signature: googlesitemap-1.0.2-pl
Package preparing to install.
Grabbing package workspace...
Workspace environment initiated, now installing package...
modx.modNamespace is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modx.modNamespace with MODX\Revolution\modNamespace to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modNamespace is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modNamespace with MODX\Revolution\modNamespace to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modNamespace is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modNamespace with MODX\Revolution\modNamespace to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modx.modCategory is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modx.modCategory with MODX\Revolution\modCategory to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modCategory is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modCategory with MODX\Revolution\modCategory to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modCategory is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modCategory with MODX\Revolution\modCategory to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modSnippet is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modSnippet with MODX\Revolution\modSnippet to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modSnippet is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modSnippet with MODX\Revolution\modSnippet to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
modSnippet is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace references to class modSnippet with MODX\Revolution\modSnippet to take advantage of PSR-4 autoloading.
Attempting to preserve files at /home/s22270/www/core/components/googlesitemap into archive /home/s22270/www/core/packages/googlesitemap-1.0.2-pl/modCategory/
Successfully installed package googlesitemap-1.0.2-pl

Basic usage

The snippet has been created. I created a new resource, assigned an empty template, specified the Content Type as CML, and called a snippet inside the resource [[sitemap?]]

The snippet brought nothing out.

Kitchen sink test


Error log

There are no errors in the log

Information from developer



Not compatible