Modx 2.8.2 tag not rendered in static resources


After upgrading to 2.8.2 my static resources show the tag not parsed in the frontend, i.e.
[[++site_url]] but also link like [[~12]] and so on.
Does it happen only to me?.. Is it a wanted behaviour with the new version?
If so… can I enable somehow in order not to break existing websites?


Modx 2.8.2, php 7.4

It looks like there was introduced a little bug in 2.8.2 / static resources. Probably be related to your problem.

And also doesn’t show any files in CKEditor or tinymce

@tillilab likely this is the same issue you’re having:

@collst256678: That has been fixed, you can apply it manually if you need to before an update: