Minishop2 Related Product boxes

I set up a one to many in the links of good tab. (ID 2) I linked the accessory with the product. I added the following snippet to the product detail template.

[[!msProducts? &link=`2` &master=`[[*id]]` &parents=`0` &tpl=`tpl.msRelated.row`]]

This does not seem to be working. I’m unable much support info on this. Any feedback would be helpful.

I am trying to create boxes with a title and image of the related products.

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I am not highly knowledgeable, but that &parent value of zero bugs me a bit, shouldn’t there be a parent id number or numbers?

I did try it with an id number but it did not work either. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I am sorry we haven’t gotten much response. Minishop2 is I believe a popular extra, but its largely limited to the Russian-language community due to language gaps.

Can you google for a sample call somewhere? If we had something to work with…

I’ve found this page which is pretty complete