MIGX issue outputting to different areas

I’m hoping that this is just a brain fart moment. But I’m having an issue on this page: Barnes Buchanan Security Conference | Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC

I’m using MIGX to assemble a custom list of speakers. But since it’s supposed to be displayed differently on mobile than on desktop, I have two getImageList requests in neighboring containers. They both are using the same &tvname but different &tpl chunks.

For some reason on the example page, the desktop it shows properly. But on mobile, one of the entries is being duplicated several times. When I swap the positions in the DOM of the two sections, the desktop is wrong and the mobile one is correct.

Here’s the section of code I have on my template:

<section class="module-offset_slider contact-cards events">
    <div class="row slider-row">
        <div class="slider-desktop">
            <div class="card-set">
<div class="contact-cards events">

This is the desktop chunk. The only difference in here is the +idx call at the bottom. This, the <section> tag and the col-card class are absent on the mobile one to prevent the javascript from creating a slider out of it.

    <div class="vcard col-card" style="display:block;">
            [[pdoResources?&parents=`186,187,188` &depth=`1` &tpl =`@INLINE [[+id]]` &where=`{"longtitle:LIKE":"%[[+birEmployee]]%"}` &showUnpublished=`1` &toPlaceholder=`birModID`]]
        	<a href="[[#[[+birModID]].uri]]" target="_blank">
        	    <div class="col-photo" style="background-image: url('[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyPhoto:default=`/assets/images/people/default.jpg`]]') !important;">
                    <img src='[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyPhoto:default=`/assets/images/people/default.jpg`]]' alt="[[#[[+birModID]].pagetitle]]'s Photo">
        	<div class="col-info">
        		<div class="wrap-info">
        			<div class="name"><a href="[[#[[+birModID]].uri]]">[[#[[+birModID]].pagetitle]]</a></div>
        			<div class="title">[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyTitle:phpTrim:is=`Attorney`:then=`[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneySecondTitle:phpTrim]]`:else=`[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyTitle]]`]]</div>
					    [[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyServicesAndIndustries:getFirstServiceIdComma:notempty=`<div class="industry"><a href="[[#[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyServicesAndIndustries:getFirstServiceIdComma]].uri]]">[[#[[#[[+birModID]].tv.AttorneyServicesAndIndustries:getFirstServiceIdComma]].pagetitle]]</a></div>`]]
        	<a href="[[+guestUri]]" target="_blank">
        	    <div class="col-photo" style="background-image: url('[[+guestPicture:default=`/assets/images/people/default.jpg`]]') !important;">
                    <img src='[[+guestPicture:default=`/assets/images/people/default.jpg`]]' alt="[[+guestName]]'s Photo">
        	<div class="col-info">
        		<div class="wrap-info">
        			<div class="name"><a href="[[+guestUri]]">[[+guestName]]</a></div>
        			<div class="title">[[+guestTitle]]</div>
        			[[+guestCompany:notempty=`<div class="industry"><a href="[[+guestUri]]">[[+guestCompany]]</a></div>`]]
[[+idx:mod=`3`:isequalto=`0`:then=`</div><div class="card-set">`]]

Please let me know if you need more information. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

So you are saying that one of the items in the MIGX list is output more than once?
That seems very unlikely as the code simply loops over the items.

Can you reproduce the same behaviour with a simpler template?
Can you reproduce it on another (test-)installation?

Yes, if you look at the entry for Randy, it is repeating several times where other people would be.



Well I can’t open the link you posted above. (The connection has timed out.)

Is it reproducible with a very simple template (only using placeholders?)

Yep, it was a brain fart moment after all.

The &toPlaceholder in the opening pdoResources call in the chunk was repeated in the mobile verson (or in the second version). Changing that to a different one fixed it.

Sorry to waste your time. :exploding_head:

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