Is there a TV for selecting items from a MIGXDB CMP?

Alternatively you maybe could use the extra SuperBoxSelect.
It has pagination which is advantageous with 7000 database entries.
‘Out of the box’ it only supports the built-in classes modResource and modUser, but it is possible to add support for custom classes, if you create your own custom getlist processor.

  • Set the system setting superboxselect.advanced to Yes.
  • Create the processor file under core/components/artwork/processors/types/artwork/getlist.class.php. Copy the code from the modUser processor. Change the $classKey to 'artWorks', replace username with title, delete the stuff with the user groups and override the initialize-function to add your package ($this->modx->addPackage(...))
  • In the ‘Input Options’ of your TV set the field “Package:” to artwork and “Type:” to artwork.artwork.