How to check every field of MIGX element?

[[getImageList? &tvname=`Position_Item` &tpl=`@CODE:
    <div class="">

if I check like a regular tv field it doesn’t show. I know the &toPlaceholder parameter but I need to check every element in MIGX.

Just to be sure, you are using a regular TV with the input type set to MIGX?

Try using a chunk with your template code instead of the inline @code. In general your setup looks fine to me, but I had similar issues before when using tag modifiers like :notempty within an inline tpl segment.

try to use a real tpl-chunk or replace [[ and ]] with {{ and }}

but why do you check, if empty at all? If the value is empty, it wouldn’t output anything, so you don’t need the check.

sorry, it doesn’t work even if I use real tpl. Could you please try on your machine?
And I need this because of a lot of elements, especially buttons. see the example below

[[getImageList? &tvname=`carousel` &tpl=`@CODE:
                      <div class="">
                          <div class="mb-5">
                              <img src="[[+image]]"
                              width="64" height="62" alt="icon">
                          <h4 class="mb-5">[[+title]]</h4>
                          <a href="[[+btn_link]]" class="btn btn-secondary-outline sm:text-lg border-2 mt-6">

what exactly doesn’t work with this example?

I need to show each migx field conditionally. If the value has been entered, the field will display. See the button

[[getImageList? &tvname=`carousel` &tpl=`@CODE:
    <a href="[[+btn_link]]" class="btn btn-secondary-outline sm:text-lg border-2 mt-6">

If an actual template chunk doesn’t work, have you double-checked your spelling of field tags, etc.? Maybe share your formtabs input. Also do you have any other migx tvs working?

@vibedesign you made my day. Now it’s lucky working but earlier didn’t work.

is this possible to display conditionally?

<a href="" class="btn btn-primary">
    [[getResourceField? &id=`3` &field=`fc_phone_number` &processTV=`1`]]
` &id=`3` &field=`fc_phone_number` &processTV=`1`]]

Generally yes, I think this should work.

Although it’s hard to say if getResourceField is the best option here without knowing more details. I would probably go for pdoField (part of the pdoTools extra) here as it allows for the output to be set to a placeholder:


  <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">

Honestly I don’t know about performance differences here, just personal preference.

I believe you are missing a ? before &id=`3` .

<a href="" class="btn btn-primary">
    [[getResourceField? &id=`3` &field=`fc_phone_number` &processTV=`1`]]
`? &id=`3` &field=`fc_phone_number` &processTV=`1`]]

@halftrainedharry great you are. It’s working perfectly. :heart_eyes: