Hide empty template variable

Hi Guys,

I’d like to hide the output of a template variable when the field is left empty in the resource TV field. In this case, the output of the template variable is a link button and the TV is a URL.

I’ve checked online and the docs and found the Modx IF statement which I am unsure how to use. The template variable name is [[*website_link]]. Could anyone guide me on using this please?


   &then=`This resource is not visible in the menu.`
   &else=`This resource shows up in the menu in spot [[*menuindex]].`

I would use an Output filter.

[[*hidemenu:eq=`1`:then=`This resource is not visible in the menu.`:else=`This resource shows up in the menu in spot [[*menuindex]].`]]


With the IF extra:

   &then=`<a href="[[*website_link]]">Website</a>`

With an output modifier:

[[*website_link:notempty=`<a href="[[*website_link]]">Website</a>`]]
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