Formalicious upgrade not sending e-mails to client or redirecting to success page after completion

I upgraded Formalicious to the latest version and now when I submit to my clients forms the submissions does not send an e-mail to my client, nor does it redirect to the success page I have defined in each form.

Here is one of the 2 forms:
[](http://Circuit TV Online Pre-Quote)

After I fill out each form and submit, it does not redirect to the success page, nor does it send an e-mail to the clients email address so they can see the submission. Instead, the page clears and the URL changes to add this: ?step=1 at the end.

For each form (x2) I have redirect to: Contact Success (13) which is a published page. Published is checked in the form. The clients e-mail address is added to email receiver, and the e-mail box is checked. So the form is showing, just not sending an e-mail to my client or redirecting to the success page when completed. URL just gets a ?step=1 added to the end.

Modx v2.7.3
Formalicious v2.0.4
FormIt 4.2.5

Ideas please?

OK, this might be related to another issue, I am working on it in this thread, so please follow here if need be: Formalicious is missing values for radiobuttons. Not showing values, showing title instead