FileLister not working anymore


I tried to post this topic a few days ago but has been automatically hidden by ‘the system’ and never restored…

since we changed our host fileLister is n ot working anymore
Something different is that this site is now served over hhtps as it was not before on the previous machine.
(the exact same db dump and httpdocs tree…; I mean Modx as not been changed).
I tried PHP 7.1 .2 .3 and.4.
I tried to setup mcrypt library (not by default over php 7.1).

Each link to final target files (.pdf) are just non existent.
the different needed folders are correctly listed., but each click on them (supposed to ‘open’ it and list all files contained inside, just self reload the current page.
Each link should be …/selfpagename.html?fd=somecryptedlink.
It’s weird because reading the serverApache SSL.TLS acces log I DO see for exemple this:

GET [/waters.html]?fd=R%EF%BF%BDf%1Af%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDSOyrARQghTx7%2BZ%2FjNGUNK HTTP/1.0

I won’t post any exact rendered code because this forum considers it as spam or something.
a tag and href attribute are prefixed by some XXX…

    <div class="span4 well fond-beige" id="docfiles">

   		<h4 class="bleu plus-gros-txt">Documentation</h4><hr class="separh" />

		<span>    <li class="linkToFolder">
	<i class="elu_icon-folder-open" style="color: #015A91;   font-size: 1.2em"></i>&nbsp; 
<span class="badge alert-info3 noshadow"><XXXa class="fl-path"  XXXhref="waters.html?fd=">Documentation/Waters/Docs-HPLC</a></span>


		<ul class="DirList Contenu4New"> 
		  <li class="feo-row first  filelister feo-dirname filelister-Dir-tpl" title="Naviguer ici">
 <i class="elu_icon-folder-close" style="color: #015A91;   font-size: 1.2em"></i> &nbsp;  <XXXa class="feo-row first  fl-path fl-link" XXhref="waters.html" el="tooltip" data-title="i18n.dwnl_title &language=`fr` &namespace=`i18ncustom`">1-Catalogue</a>&nbsp;
 <!-- Documentation/Waters/Docs-HPLC/1-Catalogue -->
<li class="feo-alt-row  filelister feo-dirname filelister-Dir-tpl" title="Naviguer ici">
 <i class="elu_icon-folder-close" style="color: #015A91;   font-size: 1.2em"></i> &nbsp;  <XXXa class="feo-alt-row  fl-path fl-link" XXhref="waters.html" el="tooltip" data-title="i18n.dwnl_title &language=`fr` &namespace=`i18ncustom`">2-Brochures</a>&nbsp;
 <!-- Documentation/Waters/Docs-HPLC/2-Brochures -->

thank you

Those XXX are actually in the generated html? Have you checked the filelister chunks if they’re there, too?

Tried reinstalling filelister?


No As I wrote, I added XxX HERE only to ‘undo’ the tags that make this forum to hide my post and to consider it as spam or something.

The chunks are exactly the ones in the old server . Nothing was changed. We cooked the whole thing into the new server
Only File lister as issue.

I thought it was the mrypt story because of higher pho version …but no.

Sorry, misunderstood what you said about that.

Use code blocks with 3 back ticks (```) on their own line before and after the code (like what I edited into your post) probably works better than adding xxx… I wouldn’t blame a spam filter for triggering on precisely those 3 characters :wink:

There’s a version of FileLister here that replaces mcrypt with openssl which I know people have been using instead, however if you also do not get the proper links generated on 7.1 either something else must be going on.

Unfortunately I don’t know what that might be though, so all I have to offer until others pitch in is the generic debugging advice to get a better lead: check MODX and server error logs, reinstall or apply the change to openssl, force clear the cache, and provide the relevant snippet call/chunks.

Hi Mark

Thanks a lot

Just… sorry How do I install the zip from the github?
Not a transport package error.

You’ll need to copy the (changed) files/elements manually, there’s no package build there to easily install.